One of UU’s favorite ceremonies is the Flower Ceremony, often called Flower Communion, a special ritual that recognizes the beauty and uniqueness of each member, honors their part in creating our beautiful UU communities, and celebrates the beauty of nature’s diversity. It is celebrated in early summer by most UU congregations.
Proposed Objectives
Strengthen UU Identity and connection to the UU community
Lift up diversity and bounty of gifts brought by each participant
Express gratitude for our gifts in community
early June
Related Beliefs
Principle One | The inherent worth and dignity of every person
Shared Values | Pluralism, Community, Gratitude
Related Concepts | Beltane, May Day baskets, start of summer
Explore & Engage
Connect & Make Meaning
Songs and Hymns
Following are a few options that work well in a Water Communion service, small group worship, or to listen to at home. For a more comprehensive selection, see the UUA list of Songbooks and Hymnals and the UUA List of Music for Online Worship. AUUMM also offers resources for UU music leaders. Please be responsible for respecting copyright as necessary. If you own the UU Hymnals and you're observing the day by yourself or with your family in your home, and not streaming online, you're most likely covered but check anyway. Besides legal requirements, we ask that you help support the artists. Note you must contact all individual artists directly for their permission to use their song/s. Being mentioned here as a suggestion does not constitute in any way permission to use their song/s.
STLT #100: I've Got Peace like a River
STLT #209: O Come, You Longing Thirsty Souls
STLT #210: Wade in the Water
STLT #277: When We Wend Homeward
STLT #299: Make Channels for the Streams of Love
STLT #318: We Would Be One
STJ #1007: There's a River Flowing in my Soul
STJ #1011: Return Again
STJ #1034: De Noche (Taizé)
STJ #1064: Blue Boat Home
Make Meaning
Flower Communion Blessing, call and response, Amy Zucker Morgenstern
Click to access flowercommunion.pdf
Alternative Flower Ceremony service ideas
As People Arrive
Guide people to place their flower in communal vases (see notes below)
Opening Song
Dear Friends, Dear Friends
Let me tell you how I feel
You have given me such treasure
I love you so.
Chalice Lighting
By Samuel A Trumbore
Source: 1997 UUMA Worship Materials Collection.
O light of life,
Be kindled again in our hearts
As we meet together this morning
To celebrate the joy of human community
Seeking a wholeness that extends beyond ourselves.
Opening Song Suggestions
SLT #4, I Brought My Spirit to the Sea
Hymn #346: Come, Sing a Song with Me (video)
Optional Choir Hymn: #21 For the Beauty of the Earth (video)