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The light that never goes out!_edited.jpg

Chalice Day (n): a day of action and reflection which nourishes our connections
to UU values, faith, community, and our world.

As we move through the year, there are days when we choose to pause: to give thanks, to recommit to beloved community, to remember, and to celebrate that which is sacred and good. These 'Chalice Days' are wrapped in UU identity and our own faith journeys. As such, they function as mile markers along the path of life, reminding us to find meaning and gratitude along the way.


Unitarian Universalism is a faith held by covenant and not by creed. There are many rich, complex beliefs in the mix. This site does not begin to cover everything UU, or even include everything about each UU tradition or belief. Instead, I share what I find significant to my faith and how I approach the days of my own journey. Learn more about Chalice Days and my approach to this concept. 


This site is still under construction, but I hope you may find bits and pieces that are helpful and interesting to you. What days do you choose to recognize along your journey? These are my Chalice Days.

Some of the UU graphics I've created. Contact

An overview for kids and families of the UU Values proposed in Article II
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