Remembrance is a time for Unitarian Universalists to remember the loved ones who have passed away. Around the world, many cultures believe that 'the veil' between the physical and afterworld is thinnest at this time of year and Festivals of the Dead are held in many places.
Proposed Objectives
Honor and remember the dead
Celebrate lives lived, and those to come in the circle of life
Feel connected to those who came before
Last Sunday of October. Adjacent with: Samhain, Día de los Muertos
Related Beliefs
Shared Values | Interdependence, Love, Gratitude, Family, Community, Respect
Sources | Spirituality in Earth-based traditions
Explore & Engage
Develop Rituals
According to the Wendt Center: "Rituals serve as our way of maintaining a connection with, or cherishing the memory of, our loved one after they are gone. Rituals aren’t limited to the immediate time after the death and can offer opportunities for remembering and healing in the months and years to come. And rituals do not have to be formal occurrences, they can be small, casual, and frequent. Many cultures have routines/rituals to mark a year or the passage of time. We encourage you to consider the rituals present in your culture or religion. [...]
Connecting with others in our grief can reduce the isolation that is often felt. Consider how you can invite others to engage in ritual with you. And if you would rather engage in rituals alone, that is fine as well. There is no right way to grieve. If you need a few suggestions here are some to consider:
Share photos along with memories and invite others to do the same
Cook their favorite meal with others (in person or virtually)
Create a playlist of their favorite songs and share it
Have a virtual watch party of their favorite movie
Hike their favorite trail (with others or alone)
Plant their favorite flowers and invite others to do the same
Incorporate their favorite color into what you wear"
Other ideas for Remembrance rituals for individuals and small groups:
Time for All Ages
Connect & Make Meaning
Songs & Hymns
Following are a few options that work well in service, small group worship, or to listen to at home. For a more comprehensive selection, see the UUA list of Songbooks and Hymnals and the UUA List of Music for Online Worship. AUUMM also offers resources for UU music leaders. Please be responsible for respecting copyright as necessary. If you own the UU Hymnals and you're observing the day by yourself or with your family in your home, and not streaming online, you're most likely covered but check anyway. Besides legal requirements, we ask that you help support the artists. Note you must contact all individual artists directly for their permission to use their song/s. Being mentioned here as a suggestion does not constitute in any way permission to use their song/s.
STLT #86 Blessed Spirit of My Life
STLT #96 I Cannot Think of Them as Dead, v.1-3
STLT #107 Now Sing We of the Brave of Old
STLT #266 Now the Green Blade Rises
STLT #306 Sing of Living, Sing of Dying
STLT#391 Voice Still and Small
STLT #412 Let Hope and Sorrow Now Unite
STJ #1051 We Are
Making Meaning
There are a lot of excellent resources on WorshipWeb. A few that speak to me include:
"I call upon you," prayer by Tandi Rogers
Immortality, meditation by Leslie Takahashi
"United by Story and Bound by Love," invocation by Andrea Hawkins-Kamper
"They Are with Us Still," affirmation by Kathleen McTigue
Reflect & Deepen
Pick a short reading from a webpage such as Farewell Poetry and Readings, or from another source of your choice. Read it out loud three times, pausing in between to consider how you feel impacted by the words.